IF YOU CANNOT FIGURE OUT BLOCK AND ITEM ID CONFLICTS THAT DOES NOT MEAN THE MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE! If the item version doesn't exist, Mystraft will crash. Mods that have custom liquids must register an item version of their liquid (similar to how if you cheat yourself a water source block by using the /give command) in order for Mystcraft to be able to pull that liquid's name when creating symbols. Note that this is just a generalisation, and mods can still effect Mystcraft's generators and create modifiers via the Mystcraft API (See the Modding API section of this page) and that other features of the mod, such as custom worlds, blocks, or features, may not always be compatible. Mystcraft uses its own terrain generator for its Ages, and thus ignores any custom generators from other mods. Should another mod modify the default terrain generator, it will only effect the default world. Better World Generator) should be compatible. Mods that use or create custom terrain generators (e.g. This does not guarantee that all the biomes will work, as biome or world ID's may need to be edited for certain mods to ensure there are no conflicts. See the Modding API section of this page. If a mod does not use the default internal biome array, the mod may reference the Mystcraft API to insert the biomes. Mystcraft will reference the internal biomes array and add symbols to support generation of those biomes in written Ages. Similarly, if you have updated compatibility information on a mod listed here, please update the page with that new information, even if it is only version numbers. If you attempt to run a mod not listed on this page together with Mystcraft, please report your findings here. Some users have reported issues generating Mystcraft ages. NOTE: FTB Ultimate is not fully tested for compatibility of all mods.

If you need to see how the tables work, see the syntax page.įor a collection of mods that is easy to install and includes Mystcraft, see the.

Please add any mods you attempt to use with Mystcraft, and please keep this page up to date. This page lists mods that the community has tested for compatiblility with Mystcraft.